the end is nearing
It has been wonderful being back int he village after my visit in America. After I returned to Zambia, I travelled with myPCV friend Maggie to Mpulungu on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Northern Zambia. While it ws lovely to relax on the beach and see another part of Zambia, we aren't sure it was worth the 36 hour trip (one way) to get there!
After the brief holiday to Mpulungu I came back to my village. Things are really picking up as I near the end of my time here. I will leave my village at the end of July to begin my 3rd year extension position in Chipata. The CATF is starting to take greate initiative as the umbrella organization for HIV/AIDS monitoring in the area. The sewing IGA group (Taonga) is beginning to show the community its worth by spending its profits on food for HIV+ patients in the area. It is certainly nice to see things take off on their own... afterall, "sustainability" is the ultimate goal in Peace Corps. It is going to be hard to say goodbye to people and projects here though since development of HIV prevention and care is moving relatively smoothly. I am also excited to see what else the people here do when the next volunteer arrives in September.
When I returned to the village, I gave them some gifts send bymy parents in America. The 3 small boys were all sent shirts that have characters which light up when the shirt moves. Poor Elias, the youngest of the 3, is scared of the lights! Soon enough he will be used to it and wear the shirt proudly to church or child weighing (the 2 occasions when he allows his mother to dress him... otherwise he much prefers his "birthday suit"... what 2 year old doesnt?